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Of Stories from Antipolo Priests: Pari-Sayo

The word vocation comes from the latin word “vocare” which means to call or to summon. In the Bible, we encounter a lot of stories of being called.

In the Old Testament, Samuel was called by God while he was asleep. He responded by saying “Speak, Lord for your servant is listening.”  Moses was called by God, though hesitant in the beginning, yet became the instrument of God’s salvation to the Israelites.

In the New Testament, Matthew, a tax collector, was called to become one of the twelve disciples. And of course, the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom we honor in this month of October, was also called to become the mother of Jesus Christ. She fully gave her “FIAT” to God by saying, “Let it be done to me as you said.”

Our very own founder, St. Marcellin Champagnat, was called and responded in his young age.  But are they the only one called?  We are all called by God to know and love Him and to share in His mission.  We have a common vocation to fulfil as Christians because vocation does not only refer to those who are called to the priesthood but to all of us.

The Diocese of Antipolo designated the months of October and November as months of vocation. Our Diocese will launch “Pari-Sayo” that will feature different stories of our priests that will be aired in the official Facebook page of the Vocation Ministry of our Diocese every Sunday at 8:30 in the evening.

St. John Paul II said, “Young people search for meaning in life and for a concrete way to go about living that life.” As we search for our purpose and meaning of our life, let us be inspired with these different stories of calling, especially of those who have responded to God.